Authority on AI and plagiarism
Our plagiarism and AI detector tools and helpful content are used by millions of users every month.
Identify AI-generated content, including ChatGPT and Copilot, with Scribbr's free AI detector
Our plagiarism and AI detector tools and helpful content are used by millions of users every month.
Our AI checker is built using advanced algorithms for detecting AI-generated content. It’s also been enhanced to distinguish between human-written, AI-generated, and AI-refined writing.
Perform an unlimited number of AI checks for free, with a limit of up to 1,200 words per submission, ensuring all of your work is authentic.
Start detecting AI-generated content instantly with our free AI Detector, without having to create an account.
Rest easy knowing your submissions remain private; we do not store or share your data.
Scribbr’s AI Detector provides insight into whether a piece of writing is fully AI-generated, AI-refined, or completely human-written.
Our AI Detector supports multiple languages, including German, French, and Spanish. We check and analyze your content at a high level of accuracy across many different languages.
Our AI Checker identifies specific areas in your text that are likely AI-generated or AI-refined to provide a detailed analysis of the content.
Scribbr’s AI Detector accurately detects texts generated by the most popular tools, like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot. It also offers advanced features, such as differentiation between human-written, AI-generated, and AI-refined content and paragraph-level feedback for more detailed analysis of your writing.
Our advanced AI checker tool can detect the latest models, like GPT4 with high accuracy. Note that no AI Detector can provide complete accuracy (see our research). As language models continue to develop, detection tools will always have to race to keep up with them.
Confidently submit your papers
Scribbr’s AI Detector helps ensure that your essays and papers adhere to your university guidelines.
Check the authenticity of your students’ work
More and more students are using AI tools like ChatGPT in their writing process. Our AI Checker helps educators detect AI-generated, AI-refined, and human-written content in text.
Prevent search algorithm penalties
Using our AI Checker ensures that your content will be indexed by assisting you to publish high-quality and original content.
AI detectors and plagiarism checkers are both used to verify the originality and authenticity of a text, but they differ in terms of how they work and what they’re looking for.
AI detectors try to find text that looks like it was generated by an AI writing tool, like ChatGPT. They do this by measuring specific characteristics of the text like sentence structure and length, word choice, and predictability — not by comparing it to a database of content.
Plagiarism checkers try to find text that is copied from a different source. They do this by comparing the text to a large database of web pages, news articles, journals, and so on, and detecting similarities — not by measuring specific characteristics of the text.
Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our tools, like the AI Detector, Plagiarism Checker, and Citation Generator are designed to help students produce quality academic papers and prevent academic misconduct.
We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.
Scribbr’s AI Detector can confidently detect most English texts generated by popular tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot.
Our free AI Detector can detect texts written using GPT2, GPT3, and GPT3.5 with average accuracy, while our Premium AI Detector has high accuracy and the ability to detect GPT4.
Our AI Detector is carefully trained to detect most texts generated by popular tools like ChatGPT and Bard. These texts often contain certain phrases, patterns, or awkward wording that indicate they were not created by a human. However, no AI model on the market can guarantee 100% accuracy, including ours. To get the best results, we recommend scanning longer pieces of text rather than individual sentences or paragraphs.
Our research into the best AI detectors indicates that no tool can provide complete accuracy; the highest accuracy we found was 84% in a premium tool or 68% in the best free tool.
The AI score is a percentage between 0% and 100%, indicating how much of the text contains content likely written or refined using AI tools.
No—Scribbr’s AI Detector will only give you a percentage between 0% and 100% that indicates the likelihood that your text contains contains AI-generated, AI-refined, or human-written content.
No—our AI content checker can only identify AI-generated, AI-refined, and human-written content. Our Plagiarism Checker can help prevent unintentional plagiarism in your writing.
Yes—our AI Detector can currently analyze text in English, Spanish, German, and French
Scribbr’s AI Detector is different from other AI detection tools for two main reasons. First, it identifies how AI was used to create your content. Our analysis will notify you if each section of writing was:
1) AI-generated
2) AI-generated & AI-refined
3) human-written & AI-refined
4) human-written
With this detailed analysis, you don’t just know if AI may have been used to generate the content but also clarifies how assistive tools may have been used in the writing process.
Second, our AI Checker offers feedback on every section of your writing, so you always know exactly which sentences appear to contain AI-generated content. This makes your editing process much easier, as you can quickly identify and revise any problematic sections of your text.
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