What does the Scribbr-style Paper Formatting service include?

When performing the Scribbr-style Paper Formatting Service, your Scribbr expert will:

  • Make sure your formatting is consistent throughout the document, including:
    • Font type, size and color
    • Indentation of paragraphs
    • Line spacing
    • Text alignment
    • Spacing before and after a paragraph of headings
  • Add page numbers in either Arabic or Roman style
  • Add, remove, and/or fix heading numbering. This depends on your request.
  • Update or generate a Table of Contents
  • Update or generate a List of Tables and Figures
  • Check your captions for tables and figures, and automate them

The Scribbr-style Paper Formatting Service does not include the following:

  • Applying university guidelines from an additional document
  • Creating a title page from scratch
  • Editing the contents and format of tables.
  • Creating the content of the captions for tables and figures.
  • Moving tables or figures around in the document

If you want to book the APA-style Paper Formatting service, please refer to this article.

Frequently asked questions: Paper Formatting

What information do I need to provide for the Paper Formatting service?

The aim of the Paper Formatting service, both for Scribbr-style and APA-style, is to create a consistent layout that looks clean and coherent. To achieve this, we follow the information you provide during the upload process of your document, as well as standard academic guidelines.

To ensure that your formatting expert translates your wishes correctly, please indicate the following things in your booking:

  • The editing style (APA or Scribbr-style)
  • For Scribbr-style:
    • Font size and type
    • Line spacing
    • Paragraph indentation
    • Text alignment (left aligned or justified)
    • Format of page numbering (arabic or roman numbers)
    • If you want a Table of Contents, and/or a list of tables/figures

Please note that, for the APA style, we focus on checking and perfecting your document rather than implementing the style from scratch.

Which Paper Formatting style should I choose: APA or Scribbr-style?

Choose APA style, if you strictly want or need to follow APA guidelines. APA provides clear guidelines as to how to format a paper. Here’s an overview of this style:

  • APA is most frequently used by writers and students in social sciences, business, and nursing
  • Used in academic journals
  • You have limited options. For example:
    • the font must be selected from a specific list
    • the text must be left-aligned and double-spaced
    • headings must be formatted in a very specific way
    • tables have a set format
  • Edits are made with the track changes function, so you can learn from your formatting expert

Choose Scribbr-style, if you want our editors to tidy up your own formatting. Here’s an overview of this style:

  • This is a custom formatting style based on your preferences
  • You have the freedom to choose. For example:
    • pick your favourite font (type, size, colour)
    • justify your text
    • personalize your headings (size, colour, etc.)´
    • select a style for page numbering
  • Tables won’t be adjusted in content, but captions will be formatted
  • Edits are made directly without the track changes function
  • Read more about what this service includes, here.

Please note: If your paper mostly follows APA guidelines, but you want to tweak some elements (e.g., you want numbered headings), choose Scribbr-style.

Can I request Paper Formatting with guidelines from my university?

Yes, you can. We have made the upload process easy for your convenience.

During the upload process, we will ask you a number of questions about your requirements or wishes. All you have to do is select the option that you prefer. For example, we will ask you about your desired fonts, line spacing, indentation, page numbers, and more.

You have the choice of filling in individual preferences, or selecting “Scribbr can choose for me“. If you pick the latter, we will apply our default style to reach a clear and clean layout.

You also have the option to add additional thoughts and wishes into a separate text box.

Can Scribbr check only part of my paper when I purchase Paper Formatting?

This depends on your order. If you book the Paper Formatting service as a standalone service, you can indicate which pages you’d like to have formatted during the upload process.

If you book the Paper Formatting service together with the Proofreading & Editing service, we will format all the pages of your document.

Generally speaking, we recommend getting your entire document formatted, as our experts will make sure that the document is neat and consistent in its layout.