What is the maximum file size I can upload?

Proofreading and editing service

The maximum file size for the proofreading and editing service is 40MB.

Unfortunately, the editor cannot check larger documents. This is because we can no longer safely send the document via our server to the editor. In addition, because of its size, the editor will have difficulty with opening and editing the document.

Plagiarism Check

We can accommodate up to 400 pages per upload. If your file is too large, then you can split your document and upload it in multiple parts. You will have to pay for each separate file you upload.

Making the document smaller for the proofreading service

If your document is larger than 40MB, this is probably due to large images in your document. There are several ways to make the file size smaller.

1) Compressing images

Word can compress your images without visible loss of quality. Please see the manual of Microsoft Office about how to compress your images.

In most cases, the document will be small enough.

2) Deleting images

When the images in your document are still too large after compressing them, it is best to delete the largest images until you are below the limit.

When you feel that this could impede the editor, you can upload a PDF version of your Word document in step 4 of the upload process. We will make sure that the PDF version is sent to the editor so that the editor can always access the PDF version when necessary.

Frequently asked questions: Uploading and payment details

It seems like the website is not loading when I try to login or place an order. What should I do?

Unfortunately, the problem is tied to your internet provider if you live in the United States and use Comcast Cable Communications LLC / Xfinity. We are already in touch with Comcast trying to find a quick solution to the problem.

Here is what you can do in the meantime:

  1. Please access your account using a different (non-Xfinity/Comcast) wifi network, if available, or mobile data.
  2. Contact Comcast’s support staff directly to report this problem or report it directly via https://spa.xfinity.com/report

If you continue to experience login troubles or if you have different internet provider than Comcast please do not hesitate to contact our support team so that we can work together to find a solution.

How long will it take to get my refund?

We process your refund within 5 business days. Once the refund is processed, the refunded amount will be returned to your original payment method within a few days. Exactly how long this process takes depends on your payment method.

Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro and Diners Club)
Visa, Mastercard and Maestro take up to 2 working days.
American Express takes up to 3 working days.
Diners Club takes up to 5 working days.

Takes up to 5 days.

Takes up to 4 business days.

WeChat Pay
Takes up to 5 business days.


Scribbr told me that my document has to be split between multiple editors. What does that mean?

When you upload your document and select a deadline, Scribbr will determine whether one editor can edit the whole document in the selected time period.

If that is not the case, we will ask you to extend the deadline. If that’s not possible for you, Scribbr has to split the document between multiple editors.

split order

You will receive an email notification informing you of which editor will edit which part. The editors will be in contact with each other to ensure consistency.

This also means that you will receive an email and text message from us whenever one of the editors is finished proofreading. You can login to your account anytime to check the status of your orders.

Note: You will usually receive your edited documents in parts, which you can simply merge into one. Should you encounter any problems, you can always contact our support team. If your deadline allows it, Scribbr can also merge the different parts for you. Our support team will inform you accordingly when splitting the document.

Is it possible to pay after completing the order or in instalments?

No, it’s not possible to pay in instalments after the order is completed. Before an editor can start working on your thesis the order must be paid.

To make it as easy as possible to pay, we offer the following payment methods:

  • paypal
  • mc
  • visa
  • amex
  • wechatpay
  • alipay
  • googlepay
  • applepay

As soon as you complete your payment, we will receive a notification and send you a payment confirmation. The deadline starts as soon as we’ve received your payment.

Can I send you my supervisor’s feedback?

Yes, you can send your supervisor’s feedback to us in an additional document while uploading your thesis or paper. We’ll make sure to pass this feedback on to the editor who will proofread your text.

Note: It is often more useful to summarize the feedback and ask direct questions to the editor instead of handing over lengthy documents with many requirements. The more information there is the less detailed the editor can answer the questions that are most relevant to you.

Your editor is already familiar with the requirements for academic writing. Too much information can make it unclear to the editor what to focus on specifically to help you in the best way possible.

Can I download an invoice?

Yes, you can download your invoice after you have paid for your order.


  1. Go to My Account, then navigate to the Invoices section.
  2. Find the invoice for your order.
  3. Click on the download icon ⬇️ to save it.

How do I make changes to the invoice?

If you want to make a change to the invoice (e.g., adding an address), then send an email to info@scribbr.com. In this email, clearly state what you would like to have changed. We will edit it within 3-5 business days.

Please note that it is not possible to add the VAT identification number.

Can Scribbr proofread and edit my thesis in LaTeX?

Yes, we can proofread and edit your LaTeX document. However, because our editors work with the track changes functionality in Word, we will have to convert your LaTeX document to a .docx document (Microsoft Word).

Converting a LaTeX document into a .docx document is not difficult, but it may mix up the layout of your thesis partly. This means that you need to check the layout afterwards. Next to that, you have to implement all the changes made by the editor in your original LaTeX file.

Convert to Word

You can convert your LaTeX file to a .docx file in 3 steps.

  1. Save the LaTeX file as a pdf file.
  2. Open the pdf file with Microsoft Word. (Word automatically converts the pdf to a Word document.)
  3. Save the Microsoft Word file.

Please contact us if you have any difficulties converting your file yourself. We can convert your document for you.

Upload pdf version as additional file

While uploading your document, you can also add your pdf file as an additional file. This may help your editor while editing, because it will show your editor the original formatting of your text.

What file formats are supported by the thesis Proofreading & Editing service?

If you would like to have your thesis edited by Scribbr, you can upload your thesis only in the following format:

  • Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)

The editor will improve your thesis using ‘Track Changes’ in Microsoft Word.  We will always return to you a .docx file. In this Word file you can accept or ignore the changes the editor has made using the ‘Track Changes’ tool in Word. You can convert .odt files to .docx in OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

Would you like to have your document checked for plagiarism? Then upload your thesis in .doc, .docx or .pdf format. For more information go to Which file formats are supported by the Scribbr Plagiarism Check?

How can I upload my thesis?

We explain how to upload your thesis, how to select the pages that need to be edited and how to pay on the following page: how does it work?

How do you convert an .odt document to a .docx document?

When editing your document our editors use ‘Track Changes’ in Word. This is an extremely useful tool with which you can easily see what the editor has done.

To use this tool, your document needs to be a .doc or .docx document. Sadly, the tool ‘Track Changes’ does not work well for .odt documents

You can, however, easily convert an .odt document to a .docx document. Below we explain how!

Step 1:

Open the .odt document with your word processor (for instance Open Office software like LibreOffice, or simply with Microsoft Word).

Step 2:

Save your document with the ‘Save As’ option and save the text as a .docx document. You can select this option  when you are indicating what type of text you are saving (below file name).


How are the rates per word calculated?

You can easily calculate the costs of editing your thesis using our price calculator.

The rate per word is as follows:

Rate per word: 1 week 72 hours 24 hours
College / University Proofreading & Editing $0.017 $0.0255 $0.034
Proofreading & Editing + Structure $0.0245 $0.03675 $0.049
Proofreading & Editing + Clarity $0.0245 $0.03675 $0.049
Proofreading & Editing + Structure + Clarity $0.032 $0.048 $0.064
PhD or MBA Proofreading & Editing $0.018 $0.027 $0.036
Proofreading & Editing + Structure $0.0255 $0.03825 $0.051
Proofreading & Editing + Clarity $0.0255 $0.03825 $0.051
Proofreading & Editing + Structure + Clarity $0.033 $0.0495 $0.066

Next to the rate per word, there is a setup fee of $25.

Can I upload my thesis in sections?

Yes, you can upload your thesis in sections.

We try our best to ensure that the same editor checks all the different sections of your thesis. When you upload a new file, our system recognizes you as a returning customer, and we immediately contact the editor who helped you before.

However, we cannot guarantee that the same editor will be available. Your chances are higher if

  1. You send us your text as soon as possible and
  2. You can be flexible about the deadline.

Please note that the shorter your deadline is, the bigger the risk that your previous editor is not available.

If your previous editor isn’t available, then we will inform you immediately and look for another qualified editor. Fear not! Every Scribbr editor follows the Scribbr Improvement Model and will deliver high-quality work.

However, every editor has a slightly different editing style, so you may notice small inconsistencies in editing choices. As with every proofreading order, be sure to carefully review your editor’s changes and suggestions as you finalize your text to ensure that everything is as you want it.

How fast can Scribbr proofread my document?

The fastest turnaround time is 12 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

  • Same day delivery
    • 3 hours
    • 6 hours
    • 12 hours
  • 24 hours
  • 3 days
  • 7 days
What is Scribbr’s 100% happiness guarantee?

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Can Scribbr proofread my document during weekends and holidays?

Yes, regardless of the deadline you choose, our editors can proofread your document during weekends and holidays.

Example: If you select the 12-hour service on Saturday, you will receive your edited document back within 12 hours on Sunday.

Is it possible to edit (for example) only one or two chapters of my thesis?

Yes, you can select the pages of your thesis you want to have edited yourself. This way you can, for example, select only your introduction and your conclusion to be edited.

When you are uploading your thesis you can select which pages you want to have checked in Step 3.

select the pages

Check out how you can upload your thesis.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following payment methods:

  • paypal
  • mc
  • visa
  • amex
  • wechatpay
  • alipay
  • googlepay
  • applepay

Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro Diners Club, Discover and JCB)
Transaction fee of 2% – 4%.

Transaction fee of 3,5%.

Transaction fee of 3,2%.

WeChat Pay
Transaction fee of 2%.

Apple Pay
Transaction fee of 2%.

Google Pay
Transaction fee of 2%.