What Is Litotes? | Definition & Examples

Litotes is a rhetorical device in which a positive point is expressed by using double negatives (e.g., “that’s not bad” to describe something amazing). It’s used in everyday language and literature to subtly emphasize a point, create irony, or use a subtle or modest tone.

Litotes examples
“I’m not unfamiliar with the topic” to say you know about something.

“You’re not wrong” to say that someone is correct.

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What Is Paronomasia? | Definition & Examples

Paronomasia, commonly known as a pun, is a type of wordplay that uses multiple meanings of a word or phrase or homophones for humorous effect (e.g., “I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. I can’t put it down”).

Paronomasia example
In Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio says, “Ask me for tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.” In this example, he exploits both interpretations of “grave”—“serious” and “dead”—to mean two different things.

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Pleonasm | Definition, Meaning & Examples

Pleonasm is when you use more words than necessary to express your point. Pleonasms are sometimes considered a stylistic error because they add superfluous and often redundant words. However, pleonasms can be used as a literary device to bring attention to specific ideas or create rhythm.

Pleonasm examples
“Don’t forget your PIN number.” (The N in “PIN” stands for “number”)

“I’ll love you forever and always.” (“Forever” and “always” mean the same thing)

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Understatement | Definition, Examples & Meaning

Understatement is a rhetorical device in which someone deliberately downplays the significance or severity of a situation. Depending on the context, it can be used to bring attention to something indirectly or create a humorous or ironic effect.

Understatement examples
“It’s a bit windy” to describe a hurricane.

“That didn’t go as planned” to describe something that was a disaster.

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Overstatement | Definition, Meaning & Examples

Overstatement is a rhetorical device that uses deliberate over-exaggeration to emphasize a point or evoke an emotional reaction (e.g., “I’ve told you a million times!”). Overstatement is used in literature and everyday language not to lie but to make something seem more important or serious than it actually is.

Overstatement examples
He runs faster than the speed of light.

I laughed so hard I almost died.

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What Is Synecdoche? | Definition & Examples

Synecdoche is a figure of speech that uses a word for a single part of something in place of a word th”at describes the whole (e.g., “threads” to refer to clothing). Synecdoche can also be used in the opposite way, using a word that describes the whole in place of the single part (e.g., “the classroom” to refer to the students and teacher).

Synecdoche examples
That’s a lot of mouths to feed. [people]

All hands on deck. [workers]

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What Is Enjambment? | Definition & Examples

Enjambment is when one line of a poem continues onto the next line without any end punctuation. Because ideas flow from one line to the next, it creates a sense of momentum and changes the flow of a stanza.

Enjambment example: excerpt from “The Waste Land” by T. S. Eliot
April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.

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What Is a Malaphor? | Definition & Examples

A malaphor is a blend of two or more idioms or phrases into a single expression that ends up being nonsensical, confusing, amusing, or surprising.

Malaphor examples
It’s not rocket surgery. (“It’s not rocket science “ + “It’s not brain surgery “)

Don’t count your chickens in one basket. (“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” + “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”)

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What Is a Trope? | Definition & Examples

A trope is a word or phrase that implies something other than its original meaning. Tropes use nonliteral language to convey a figurative meaning. They’re often used in literature, everyday language, and even things like advertising and political speeches.

Trope example
“A hero’s journey” is a well-known trope in literature and other stories, where the protagonist embarks on a journey in which they are often met with trials and tribulations and are forced to overcome challenges on their way to personal transformation.

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Anaphora | Definition & Examples

Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive sentences or clauses to create rhythm, emphasize a point, or evoke emotion. Repetition of the same phrase, especially at the beginning of each new line, can reinforce key ideas and captivate audiences.

Anaphora example in Winston Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills…”

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