Citing PowerPoints in APA (6th Edition) | Format & Examples
The APA reference for PowerPoint-slides and handouts depends on the accessibility. Are the slides accessible for the reader?
Slides are only available via: Blackboard, N@tschool, Moodle, Magister etc.
When the slides are part of a digital study database, you can just add a footnote in which you make clear that the source is only accessible via the digital study database.
APA-format | AuthorLastname, Initials. (Year, month day). Title of the document [Type document]. Retrieved from http://Website |
In reference list | Ribbers, P. G. (2015, August 4). Introduction in ethics [Slides]. Retrieved from |
In the text |
In the footnote | 1 Source derived from Blackboard Uvt (not publicly available). |
Slides publicly accessible
Is the source publicly accessible, then the reference according to the APA Style is the same as for a normal internet source.
APA-format | AuthorLastname, Initials. (Year, month day). Title of the document [Type document]. Retrieved from http://Website |
In reference list | Ribbers, P. (2015, August 4). Introduction in ethics [Slides]. Retrieved from |
In the text |
Open example in the APA Citation Generator |
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Driessen, K. (2020, November 30). Citing PowerPoints in APA (6th Edition) | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved February 10, 2025, from