Published on
November 5, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
September 5, 2024.
APA website citations usually include the author, the publication date, the title of the page or article, the website name, and the URL. If there is no author, start the citation with the title of the article. If the page is likely to change over time, add a retrieval date.
Published on
November 5, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
December 1, 2023.
An APA image citation includes the creator’s name, the year, the image title and format (e.g. painting, photograph, map), and the location where you accessed or viewed the image.
APA format
Last name, Initials. (Year). Image title [Format]. Site Name. orMuseum, Location. URL
Published on
November 5, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
January 25, 2024.
This article reflects the APA 6th edition guidelines. Click here for APA 7th edition guidelines.
Newspaper articles are cited much like other periodical sources in APA style, with the specific publication date included if available, and the name of the newspaper written in italics.
Print newspaper citations include a page number or range; online newspaper citations include a URL.
Published on
November 5, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
January 17, 2024.
To cite a YouTube video in APA Style, you include the person or organization that uploaded it, their channel name (if different from their real name), the upload date, the video title (italicized), “Video” in square brackets, the name of the site, and a link to the video.
Note that the same format works for other video sites like Vimeo; just replace “YouTube” with the name of whatever site the video is from. APA TV show citations are different.
You can also use our free APA Citation Generator to generate YouTube citations in APA Style.
Published on
November 5, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
January 25, 2024.
This article reflects the APA 6th edition guidelines. Click here for APA 7th edition guidelines.
A book citation in APA Style always includes the author’s name, the publication year, the book title, and the publisher.
You can use our free APA Citation Generator to generate your APA book citations. Just paste the ISBN or DOI and the generator retrieves all the necessary information.
Published on
November 5, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
December 27, 2023.
To cite a movie in APA Style, list its director(s) in the author position and the production company as publisher. The title is written in sentence case and italicized, followed by the label “Film” in square brackets.
The in-text citation includes the last name of the director, and the year. If you are referring to a specific quote or scene from the movie, add a timestamp to direct the reader to the relevant part.
Published on
November 5, 2020
Jack Caulfield.
Revised on
January 17, 2024.
An APA Style citation for a journal article includes the author name(s), publication year, article title, journal name, volume and issue number, page range of the article, and a DOI (if available). Use the buttons below to explore the format, or try the free APA Citation Generator to quickly and easily create citations.